Salvatore Ferragamo
A Florentine with a passion for footwear, Ferragamo epitomised the glamour and glitz of the 1920s, creating shoes for the starlets of Hollywood. He was directly responsible for innovations such as the wedge and cage heels, now staples in the modern woman’s shoe collection. Salvatore Ferragmo was born at the turn of the 19th century in Bonito. He studied the art and science of shoemaking in Naples before starting his own shop. Ferragamo soon left Italy for better opportunities in America, particularly the West Coast, where his designs graced the feet of celebrities both on-screen and off. After making his name in America, Ferragamo returned to his native Italy and opened a workshop in Florence. Ferragamo was inventive, creative and curious, developing new structures, experimenting with design and obtaining patents for his work. He is considered a visionary and today the label that carries his name is a byword for style, luxury and design in the fashion world.