Westons Cider & Perry Recipe Book Promotion

Aug 16 2010

I noticed this promotion for Westons Cider in Sainsburys. Now, I’m not a big cider fan, but I like trying new things so I could be persuaded. So what’s the promotion? A quick look at the neck collar revealed that you have to collect codes from 3 bottles to get this cider & perry recipe book. Leaving aside the fact that I’m trying to get rid of all my paper-based books, that’s 2 bottles too many for me, so I snapped a pic and thought I’d look up the details online.

A search for ‘Westons Cider‘ produced 2 sites: www.westons-cider.co.uk and www.westonscider.co.uk: both with identical content. It’s so easy to get these little thing right, and they make a big difference. Choose your domain name and redirect all your other domains to it.

The home page didn’t mention the promotion. There was a nice bit of copy describing the cider, but encased within an image… so invisible to search engines. Manual browsing of the site revealed nothing, and further Googling led me nowhere either. Is this stuff really so difficult? Westons Cider has a Facebook page, which is a good start, but the promotion isn’t mentioned on there either.

2 responses so far

  1. I know what you mean – I have a pile of well thumbed cookery books that I use over and over. But more and more I’m just doing searches on my phone. A new cookery book has to be really special to earn its way onto my kitchen shelf 🙂

  2. You think getting rid of paper based recipe books is a good idea? I disagree, and I have a greasy covered laptop to prove it.