Why I won’t be renewing MobileMe
When the iPhone first came out, MobileMe was essential to squeeze as much functionality as possible from a device that was still very limited. But that’s not the case now:
- MobileMe’s email service is pointless when Gmail is free.
- For photos I’m enamoured with Google’s Picasa right now.
- For contacts, well, I think there are plenty of options out there and simplicity is key. Duplication of contacts on the iPhone is a real problem for me, and cutting MobileMe out will be a relief, especially with the MobileMe Sync Conflict Resolver being so buggy and tiresome.
- iDisk isn’t a patch on DropBox for Windows users
- and the Personal Domain thing? That’s so 1999…
- The last thing really is Find My iPhone, which is now free.
MobileMe has definitely run its course.
Hi Erin, Instagram is an iPhone app so you need an iPhone and the Instagram app to upload photos.
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