Facebook is Not the New Web
Think very carefully before hosting your strongest content on Facebook.
From a digital marketing perspective your website is your most important property. Despite the hype, Facebook is not killing websites. Brand pages, apps and profile pages are subsets of Facebook. And Facebook is a website on the World Wide Web. And the Web is a subset of the Internet. And the Internet is one of the many ways that human beings use to communicate with each other. One of the ways.
Facebook isn’t killing websites because Facebook is a website. As is Google and Twitter, all with their own business strategies and priorities. All prone to the same market forces and human error that all business is subject to.
So yes, be on Facebook. Use their free tools, huge audience and valuable metrics to build your brand and improve your consumer insights but do this secondarily to building your own website that holds your own content and over which you have complete control.
The idea that Facebook is turning into the ‘new web’ is just foolish, as if its intent is to create a simulacrum of an ever-morphing object.