PROPER is a Visionary, Creative, Cool, Playful, Avant-garde, and Peaceful Brand. It promotes Values of Freedom, Fun, Purity, Fantasy, Sustainability, and Tranquility.
It has an Origin Story that endears itself. It introduces the people behind the Brand and explains why they’re making this product. This is something a lot of businesses forget about.
It partners perfectly with Netflix in this promotion. The main prizes are a £5k home cinema bundle and a free twelve month subscription to Netflix. There are second tier prizes of a 6 month Netflix subscription, popcorn, socks and candle. The third tier prize is a £2 voucher.
To enter the promotion, go to I would have liked the promotion to be on their main website to keep consistency. This would help spread their core message. Still, I understand the technical difficulties behind it. The illustrations used on the promotional website confuse the main Brand Personality a little by showing images of people.
This introduces Values of Love, Community and Calmness. The illustration shows a lack of understanding of the Brand Personality.

What’s unforgivable though is the typo on the home page: ‘cornect’ should be ‘connect’. And do people really “climb into” their sofas?

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