Free Music Download with Hula Hoops
Hula Hoops is offering a free MP3 download from 100,000 songs on the Universal Music catalogue. To get one, you should go to and enter the 8-digit code from your pack.
I tried this and immediately ran into problems with my netbook because the registration form appeared half off the screen, making it very difficult to fill in. Strangely, the form didn’t respond to scrolling. I persevered and managed to register, with an activation email being sent to my email address.
After I clicked on the activation link, I was invited to select a music track, which I did without any problems. However, when I tried to enter my code I received the error message “Sorry but the code you have entered is not valid. (If you think you’re getting this message in error please contact us at I tried many times and I’m convinced I entered the code correctly so I had no option but to send them an email.